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The kind walk to heavens

Many accounts regarding Jesus' ministry can be found in the Bible. He performed miracles and healed the sick. However, we frequently overlook the lessons he is attempting to teach us through his actions. Let us not forget that Jesus is a teacher, one of the best in the world. He taught us about the kingdom […]

The flower of generosity

Jesus came to offer a new way of life based on humility, compassion, and mercy. By getting involved in the making of things right here on Earth, Jesus exhibited his generosity. Wherever Jesus met those in need, he gave them more than they expected. Generosity, which can also be translated as "goodness," refers to being […]

Crimson glow of love

Love is the fuel that sets you ablaze even when the winter is wreaking havoc and the world seems to be crumbling under the weight of the frosty winds. The teachings of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ can help you understand more about the most influential person in history. His love for humanity endures […]

The pathway to peace

“Inner peace, or peace of mind, refers to a state of being mentally and spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress. Being ‘at peace’ is considered by many to be healthy and the opposite of being stressed or anxious.” This is what the […]

Can Friends Be Spiritual Directors?

You, my buddy, are an inspiration! Many people become stuck because they make some progress, feel satisfied, and then complacent, and then, well, things normally don't go as planned. The Lord warns the lukewarm that they shall be spit out of his mouth in the book of Revelation (3:16). To begin, there is never a […]

The Joy of Giving

The resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday is the holiest day of the year. However, we all eagerly wait for Christmas like nothing. It's an exciting period from Thanksgiving until Christmas. Decorations, beloved dishes, and delicacies are exclusively used during this season. Family traditions are carried down, and we build our own additions to […]

The Word and Silence

The laments of the earth, the tears of the human heart, and the cries of God all converge in the Lord's Nativity. These common sighs and sorrows reveal silences shrouded in Divine Power, from which the Savior emerges. God has never been apathetic to the misery of even the tiniest of his creatures, despite the […]

Change your view-angles to life: 5 ways to practise Gratitude daily

Whatever life throws at you, whether it's ups and downs or highs and lows, every chapter is bright and lovely! It's easy to feel congested and clogged these days, especially in this newest lane of existence. The bustling streets and crowded surroundings can frequently alienate you from tranquil spiritual paths. From bit to ocean, life […]
