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We are a family church, made up of people from all walks of life and from different nations. We love to see new people and are confident that you will feel right at home. Our Sunday mornings begin with a warm welcome and an invitation to join us in celebrating the good news about Jesus Christ.

Eventbrite is a global self-service ticketing platform for live experiences that allows anyone to create, share, find and attend events that fuel their passions and enrich their lives. From music festivals, marathons, conferences, community rallies, and fundraisers, to gaming competitions and air guitar contests.

The exhibition builds on its successful past while at the same time presenting fresh ideas, suppliers and resources to thousands of national and local church leaders, both lay and ordained.

A weekend Bible-teaching conference for the whole family!

Welkom bij Kom en Zie Rotterdam! Op onze website vind je meer informatie over wie wij zijn en wat we doen. Wij zijn een gemeenschap van christenen, die functioneert als een hartelijk en open gezin. Iedere zondag hebben we een samenkomst om 10 uur. Bekijk onze agenda voor onze andere samenkomsten, trainingen en feesten. Je bent van harte welkom!

Creation Fest exists to celebrate the good news of a God who loves us through festivals, events and gatherings designed to creatively communicate the Christian faith and inspire others to do the same.

We gather every Sunday starting at 10 am for refreshments before our time of worship and teaching, which begins at 10:30 am. Our service is informal, without a written liturgy, we seek to be led by God’s holy spirit as we spend time in worship and listen to teaching from the Bible, God’s word.

We are the Evangelical Alliance. We love Jesus and we want everyone in the UK to be given an opportunity to know Him. We love His church, and we will do all we can to unite evangelicals, building confidence in the gospel and speaking as a trusted voice into society to see it changed for Him.

Join us in-person at any of our sites on any Sunday. Halesowen has a live band and talk whilst currently, Hagley gathers to experience the service using a hybrid of in person and live stream video elements. Other sites’ services use the live stream video from Halesowen and you can still fully engage with the service content for a worthwhile and valuable experience whichever place you choose to attend.

Hope City Church is a gospel-centred Anglican church. We are part of Anglican Mission in England, a Diocese authorised by the Archbishops of GAFCON, a global network of over 90 million orthodox Anglican Christians.
